Shaw’s Creek African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – Logan’s Chapel

Shaw’s Creek African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – Logan’s Chapel

Freed slaves started Henderson County’s oldest African-American congregation in 1865 in Horseshoe. Shaw’s Creek African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – Logan’s Chapel By 1865 the Christian faith had become an important part of life for many former slaves.  Prior to emancipation, many Blacks attended worship 

Overview of Historical Black Movements in Henderson County 1865-1965

During the period of one hundred years of Black history in Henderson County that is covered in this book, three very distinct groups, The Kingdom of the Happy Land, The Society of Necessity, and the Community Council were formed in response to the pressing needs 

Black-owned Businesses

Henderson County’s Black middle class, through diligent efforts, made an independent living through their own enterprises and stand out for their entrepreneurial spirit and hard work. Most often Black-run businesses at the turn of the century had to make a choice of focusing their trade either