Ninth Avenue School Year Books

All 16 of the Yearbooks from the Ninth Avenue School are available at: – Search Results – DigitalNC

Overview of Slavery in Henderson County

The first report of an African American in Henderson County is from 1790.  The number of slaves grew to 1,382 in 1860, which represented about 13% of the total population.

The Kingdom of the Happy Land

Throughout the history of Henderson County no other chapter is perhaps so intriguing and yet so veiled in mystery as the efforts of a group of freed slaves to establish a cooperative Kingdom grounded on a philosophy of “one for all, and all for one.” It is 

Black-owned Businesses 1900-1950

By 1910, 46 Blacks owned at least 30 acres of land with three of these farmers owning 100 acres or more: M. R. Anderson of Mills River Township (230 acres), Martin Herrin (100 acres) and Washington Shipman (100 acres) both of the Hendersonville Township. To be a 

Star of Bethel Baptist Church Article

Star of Bethel Church was founded in 1873.  Membership has dwindled since its heyday in the 1950’s.

St. Paul Tabernacle AME Zion Church

St. Paul AME Zion Church was founded in 1880, making it one of the oldest Black churches in Henderson County.

Mud Creek Missionary Baptist Church

Freed slaves founded Mud Creek Baptist Church in 1868.

Shaw’s Creek African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – Logan’s Chapel

Shaw’s Creek African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – Logan’s Chapel

Freed slaves started Henderson County’s oldest African-American congregation in 1865 in Horseshoe. Shaw’s Creek African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – Logan’s Chapel By 1865 the Christian faith had become an important part of life for many former slaves.  Prior to emancipation, many Blacks attended worship 

Black-owned Businesses 1865-1900

Farming was by far the preferred way to gain financial stability for Blacks during the antebellum period. Only eight people prior to 1900 were able to post financial gains in occupations other than farming. They were: stonemasons Jackson Shipman and Henry King; blacksmiths Samuel Williams and Hall