Stanford Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church

Stanford Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church

Stanford Chapel was organized in the early 1900’s under the leadership of Rev. Hemphill, Rev. C. C. Martin, and Elder Mays. The church was located on Salisbury Rd. in the Edneyville-Fruitland area of Henderson County. The trustees at the time were: Merrimon Allen, Foster Casberry, Frank and 

Brickton Colored School

Brickton Colored School

Brickton Colored School served African American students in the Fletcher area from the time it was built in 1930 until the Ninth Avenue school was opened in 1951. According to a 1947 survey of Henderson County schools the building, which had “one classroom and cafeteria” 

Sandra Suber of Lanodell’s Hat Shop

Mrs. Sandra Suber provided the community with beautiful hats from her shop in Mills River.

James Pilgrim

James Pilgrim

James Pilgrim was a nationally prominent funeral director who raised Senator Cory Booker’s father in Hendersonville. James Pilgrim was born in 1915 of parents who came to Hendersonville from South Carolina to cook in some of the city’s famous old inns. He graduated from Stephens-Lee 

Peacock Town Neighborhood Map

Peacock Town Neighborhood Map

Street names: Justice St. from 1st Ave. W. to 3rd Ave. W. S. Oak from 1st Ave. W. To 3rd Ave. W. N. Oak from 1st Ave W. To 3rd Ave. W. Jones Alley Jones St. from 1st Ave. W. To 3rd Ave. W. Gravel 

West End Neighborhood Map

West End Neighborhood Map

Street names: Sixth Ave. W. Between N. Justice and Prince Seventh Ave. W. Sam Mills St. (old 8th Ave. W.) Conner Ave. from N. Oak going W. Ninth Ave. W. Starting at Justice N. Justice from 6th to 9th N. Oak from 6th to 9th 

Black Bottom Neighborhood Map

Black Bottom Neighborhood Map

Black Bottom began where S. Church Street intersects with W. Caswell Street addresses 203-302 to the bend of Kanuga (Present day Hot Dog World location). At the time the neighborhood of Black Bottom existed, this part of Kanuga was named Caswell. Houses of Black Bottom 

Harris Street Area Map

Harris Street Area Map

This area did not have a special name. 603, 604, 605 Harris between 6th Ave. E. To Jonas St. were always occupied by white families. Street names: Harris St. from 4th Ave. E. (Tucker’s Turn) to 6th Ave. E. Williams St. from 4th Ave. East 

Brooklyn Neighborhood Map

Brooklyn Neighborhood Map

Street names: Ashe St. to city limits Beech St. to city limits Cherry St. to city limits 8th Ave. East 9th Ave. East 10th Ave. East Ashe Alley – 1/2 block Cherry Alley – 1/2 block Hill Street Ridge Street Maple Street from 7th Avenue 

Black Bottom’s Residents

Black Bottom’s Residents

Donald R. “Donnie” Parks, Hendersonville’s First African-American Chief of Police. Black Bottom The real estate bounded by Kanuga, Barnwell and South Church Streets once hosted “Black Bottom,” a hamlet of stilt houses occupied by members of Hendersonville’s African American townspeople. The houses, mostly built in